Krishnasol Jiménez, Theorbo

José Javier Navarro Lucas, BadInTone guitar

"The musical audacity which abounds in the works ok Kapsperger call us, like it or not, to continue with the adventure. For that reason, him music has aroused the taking some of Kapsperger's most daring innovations as the point of departure, have created an extremely interesting, original universe of sound.The sterile controversy involving the way to play early music is clearly overcome on this disk, in which the old theorbo mingles with an original new instrument, the BadInTone guitar, as well as many resources from the latest in computer-generated music. The sheet music is not this case the object of superstitious, submissive cult, but rather raw material, a source of inspiration. On this disk you will definitely not find a hackneyed performance of so-called absolute music, but rather a fertile conversation between the present and the past."

Cit. Gerardo Arriga, Madrid, April 2013

Kapsperger offBeat

Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City


For any information do not hesitate to send an e-mail.